Calvin Ridley’s journey from SOS child

Founded by a band of Jickler’s brother way back in 1923, this charity organization has initially started its worldwide crusade for justice and humanitarian help as a part of the short-lived League of Nations. Throughout history those who were richer helped those less fortunate, those more healthy helped those who were less. And this is […]

Violence against children

Throughout history those who were richer helped those less fortunate, those more healthy helped those who were less. And this is the kind of message that we as a charity organization are trying to convey globally since 1923, empowering & encouraging people all across the globe! While humanity indeed made a huge breakthrough in improving […]

فرح الميلاد في مراكز الإصلاح والتأهيل

ميلاد السيد المسيح هو نقطة تحول أكيدة في مسيرة البشرية جمعاء وهو دعوة للإحتفال بنشر الخير ، باظهار المحبه والمشاركة بين فئات المجتمع كافة وخاصة فئة المتروكين منا ، لنجعل من الفرح الآتي من السماء أن يدخل القلوب فيزيد من فرص السلام في مجتمعاتنا . وفي هذه المناسبة واستعداد للأعياد الميلادية قام المتطوعين لزيارة مراكز […]